Kick-off meeting

The Kick-off meeting of the project was held on 26th – 27th October 2017 in Bussoleno, Italy. The meeting was attended by 14 representatives of all project partners from the five EU countries: Greece, Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom and Poland

The meeting was devoted to various presentations on partners’ organizations, project management tool and discussion on task division among partners, agreements on the intellectual outputs, and explanation of both the dissemination and evaluation plans.

We established our project plan, strengthened our collaboration relationships and planned our next common steps and communication.

We are currently preparing:

A meeting for the Guide writing in Liverpool, UK on 19th to 23rd  February 2018 where Vardakeios School, ITT Institute of Technology Tralee and Merseyside Refugee Support Network will finalise the Guide`s content.

Next steps:

-the 5-day training for trainers session (LTTA) in Syros, Greece, scheduled between 25th and 29th of June

-the second transnational meeting that will take place in Syros Greece on the 29th and 30th of June