Healthnic Diet presentation on Cyclades Preservation Fund workshop
The Vardakeios School participated on the environmental workshop…
3rd November 2019/by anna3rd Italian Multipler Event
Diciannove held its third multiplier event among Condiviso members…
9th October 2019/by annaIrish Multiplier Event
HEALTHNIC “Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion” is a 2-year…
8th October 2019/by annaDownload the 4th Newsletter!
Read the 4th Newsletter of Healthnic Diet project with the last…
7th October 2019/by annaMRSN Healthnic Multiplier – Menu of the day
6 September 2019 Seana welcomed everyone…
4th October 2019/by anna6 September 2019 Seana welcomed everyone…
2nd Multiplier Event by Vardakeios School in Athens at Caritas Hellas
The Vardakeios School organized on the 11th September 2019 the…
16th September 2019/by annaThe English Multiplier Event
Come and join Merseyside Refugee Support Network (MRSN) and colleagues…
2nd September 2019/by annaManuale d`uso, Zestaw narzędzi, Εργαλειοθήκη Healthnic Diet
We have now available online the Healthnic Diet toolkit translated…
28th August 2019/by annaDon`t miss the 2nd Healthnic Diet Multiplier Event in Athens
The Vardakeios School is organizing a 2nd Multiplier Event of…
27th August 2019/by annaThe Toolkit for organizing a Healthnic Diet workshop is now available online
We are happy to present the Healthnic Diet Toolkit, a free web-based…
23rd July 2019/by annaItalian Healthnic Workshop second edition
Diciannove organized a second session of the Healthnic workshop…
8th July 2019/by annaPolish Multiplier Event
We are happy to announce that we have organized the multiplier…
30th June 2019/by annaItalian 2nd Multiplier event
In order to meet the requests from different stakeholders from…
30th June 2019/by annaThe greek Multiplier Event
The Greek Multiplier event was held in Vardakeios School on …
27th June 2019/by annaDon`t miss the Greek Healthnic Diet Multiplier Event
Saturday 22/6/2019 17.00-21.00 at Vardakeios School
3rd June 2019/by anna“HEALTHNIC:…
Italian 1st Multiplier Event
Friday 24th May saw the first round of the Italian multiplier…
27th May 2019/by annaLast Healthnic meeting’s poetic summary
The last project meeting took place in Tralee (Ireland) on 16th…
20th May 2019/by annaDownload the 3rd Newsletter!
Read the 3rd Newsletter of Healthnic Diet project with all the…
9th May 2019/by annaWe are waiting for you at the Italian multiplier event
"HEALTHNIC Healthy and Ethnic Diet for Inclusion" is an Erasmus…
7th May 2019/by annaITT presents the Irish Healthnic Workshops
The Irish Workshops were held in the Adult Learning Centre in…
30th January 2019/by annaTasty Christmas and a Healthnic New Year
The Healthnic Diet team wants to wish you all a Tasty Christmas…
21st December 2018/by annaSummary of the Polish HEALTHNIC DIET Workshop
We are happy to announce that the HEALTHNIC DIET workshop that…
18th December 2018/by annaEnd of the Greek Healthnic Diet workshop
The Greek Healthnic workshop finished its sessions on Tuesday…
17th December 2018/by anna8th Annual Book Bazaar in Vardakeios School- Presentation of Healthnic Diet project
Vardakeios School organizes the Annual free Book Bazaar of Greek…
14th December 2018/by annaFifth day of the Liverpool Healthnic workshop
28 November, Merseyside Refugee Support Network’s fifth and…
12th December 2018/by annaFourth day of the Liverpool Healthnic workshop
21 November, Merseyside Refugee Support Network’s fourth session…
10th December 2018/by annaThird day of the Liverpool Healthnic workshop
The third session 14 November introduced herbs and spices with…
20th November 2018/by annaSecond day of the Liverpool Healthnic workshop
November 7, we returned to the John Archer Hall kitchen for the…
19th November 2018/by annaFirst day of the Liverpool Healthnic workshop
It was the last day of October and the first day of the Liverpool…
17th November 2018/by annaClosing of the cooking part of the Greek Healthnic workshop
The Vardakeios School started its local Healthnic workshop on…
15th November 2018/by annaItalian Healthnic Workshop – Last day
The last day of the Healthnic workshop saw an all-day final working…
12th November 2018/by annaItalian Healthnic Workshop – 3rd day
The 3rd day of the Healthnic workshop is dedicated to deepen…
9th November 2018/by annaItalian Healthnic Workoshop – 2nd day
Second day of the Healthnic workshop in Luserna San Giovanni.…
7th November 2018/by annaHealthnic Local Workshops have started in Italy
Diciannove held the first day of the healthic workshop in Luserna…
6th November 2018/by annaDownload the 2nd Newsletter!
Read the 2nd Newsletter of Healthnic Diet project with all the…
29th October 2018/by annaΤhe Practical Guide to Healthnic Diet Workshops is now available online
The moment all the Healthnic team was waiting for has come. We…
5th October 2018/by annaHealthnic Diet Guide, translations and more…
The Healthnic Diet team has accomplished a challenging task.…
14th September 2018/by annaThe uploading of Videos created at the LTTA meeting has just started
During the LTTA meeting in Syros all the participants were trained…
19th July 2018/by annaTraining for trainers (LTTA) and Transnational Project Meeting in Greece/ 25th-30th June 2018
Vardakeios School hosted in Syros from 25th-29th June the Training…
5th July 2018/by annaDraft version of “The practical Guide to Healthnic Diet workshops” has been completed
Vardakeios School, ITT and MRSN worked since October 2017 on…
3rd June 2018/by annaDownload the 1st Newsletter!
Read the 1st Newsletter of Healthnic Diet project with all the…
27th April 2018/by annaIO2 coming soon. The Guide to assist organisations to set up HEALTHNIC workshops
Partners of Healthnic Diet project are closely collaborating…
23rd April 2018/by annaKick-off meeting
The Kick-off meeting of the project was held on 26th – 27th…
1st November 2017/by 19